Congratulations to our amazing team at Professionals Stirling Clark

CONGRATULATIONS to our Professionals Stirling Clark Team

Forrestfield about | about our community | community | company profile | Latest News | Our Blog 18th September, 2018 No Comments

Congratulations to our amazing team at Professionals Stirling Clark for their individual and team achievements at the recent award ceremonies held in the previous few weeks. Firstly at the REIWA awards hosted at Crown on the 25th August saw
Michael Wallace take out the REIWA Rookie of the Year selling an impressive 22 properties in his first 12 months in real estate.

Only a week later associate finance broker Joshua De Buelle was awarded Champion Broker of the Year at the AFG Excellence Awards at the Heath Ledger Memorial Theatre in Perth.

And then to top off what has been a truly remarkable year, the night we all look forward to the most, the highlight of every Professional’s calendar, the night of nights, the annual awards where our team was recognised for their hard work and nominated in almost every category, including top five for property management office of the year.

We are beyond proud to announce that Professionals Stirling Clark was awarded the Top Selling Professionals office for the 16th time. Along with the Top Sales Individual being awarded to Kip Marcar and Top Property Manager awarded to Stephanie Thompson for the third consecutive year.

Also worth mentioning is our Administration Manager Lauren Williams achieving runner-up Administrator of the Year and family team Dene & Beryl Putland and Karis Coyle awarded runner-up Professionals Team in both highest number of sales and gross commission. Superstar sales consultants Kip Marcar and Scott Jordan ranked in the Top 10 salespeople statewide and our leader, master salesperson Glen Newland achieving runner-up highest selling principle.

Announced this week the REIWA Awards for Excellence sees the office nominated in two categories, both Administration Manager Lauren Williams and COO Cara De Buelle nominated in Support categories, BDM Stephanie Thompson nominated for Property Management and young gun Tayla Parkinson for the Achievement Award designed for outstanding service upon entry to the real estate industry.

The awards will be held in October and we await them in anticipation.

In what has been the most challenging market seen in Perth in decades this is a true testament to our staff and their ability to still achieve outstanding results for their clients. We would like to congratulate all the award nominees and winners and thoroughly thank our valued clients, the sponsors of Professionals, advocates for the industry and our families for their ongoing support. We look forward to yet another successful year ahead.