Ready, Set, SELL

Ready, Set, SELL

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6 Proven Tips to Stage Your Home for a Quick and Lucrative Sale

  1. Declutter – Remove any unnecessary items from your home, including personal items and furniture that don’t serve a purpose or is outdated. A clean and clutter-free space will make your home feel more spacious and inviting to potential buyers.
  2. Deep clean – A clean and well-maintained home will appeal to buyers and make a great first impression. Ensure that all surfaces, floors, and windows are clean and free from dust and dirt.
  3. Depersonalise – Remove personal photos and items that may make it difficult for buyers to imagine themselves living in the home. This will help create a neutral space that appeals to a wide range of buyers.
  4. Focus on curb appeal – Make sure your home looks great from the outside. This includes mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, and cleaning the driveway and entryway. A well-maintained exterior will entice buyers to want to see more.
  5. Stage rooms – Rearrange furniture and decor to create a welcoming and inviting space in each room. This will help potential buyers visualize themselves living in the home.
  6. Add finishing touches – Finally, add finishing touches such as fresh flowers, new throw pillows, and stylish decor items to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Remember, the goal of staging your home is to showcase its best features and make it appealing to potential buyers. With these tips, you can increase the chances of selling your home quickly and for the best possible price in the Perth real estate market.